Our coalition

We are a broad coalition of advocates promoting safe, stable, affordable and accessible housing for vulnerable people, including people who have been involved in the criminal or juvenile justice system. We recognize the scarcity of affordable housing, the barriers to housing people with criminal and juvenile records face, and that housing is a vital platform for positive health, educational, social and economic outcomes. We applaud the bipartisan support to reform the criminal justice system and strive to ensure housing resources are ready for the increasing reentry population that will result from those reforms.





Our mission is to expand access to affordable housing opportunities for criminal and juvenile justice involved households, which we accomplish by identifying solutions and promoting their adoption at the local and federal levels.  

Our vision is that individuals reentering the community from the criminal and juvenile justice systems or who have criminal records have access to stable housing and services when needed, and alternatives to incarceration are available to vulnerable populations.

our goals





Prevent housing discrimination against people of color and people with criminal records.

Create more housing opportunities for people involved in the criminal justice system and their families.

Connect housing providers with reentry providers and local criminal justice systems in order to foster lasting partnerships for the benefit of those they serve.

I’ve come to realize if you stay in prison long enough, they are gonna let you go. Everybody worries about the get out, but what about the stay out?”
— Darrel Darden, Formerly Incarcerated